sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012


Tecate, México.

Tecate, municipio de Baja California. En las imágenes se puede observar los límites entre Estados Unidos y México. En esta pequeña región aún se conservan usos y costumbres de la cultura Kumiai.

En fin, el conducir por esta carretera es altamente recomendable ya que el paisaje es único, se puede apreciar un ecosistema regional impresionante con formaciones rocosas increíbles.


Tecate is a small town on the Baja, Baja California. It is located south of Sandiego and you enter through Tecate, CA.

In my pictures you can see the boundaries between the U.S. and Mexico. Although it was late, you can see the rocks, grasses, and the wall (the sad and illogical wall) that divides these two brotherly countries. Breaking the cultural environment of the Kumiai; these magical ancestral indigenous lands.

But those things are for politicians. Ours is talk of Arts, Culture, Society and the world through the eyes and pen of this global and poor citizen.

In conclusion, driving along this road (Mexicali-Tijuana) is highly recommended and relaxing because the landscape is unique, you can see an impressive regional ecosystem with amazing rock formations and the road is in excellent condition.

If only for a while, you can combat stress watching this part of the world. It's magical.
José Carlos Cano Zárate

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