martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Hoy Tijuana

No todas las cosas buenas se publican, no se dice en los periódicos ni en los noticieros que aquí en TJ hay gente buena que trabaja día a día, gente que lucha por los suyos, por el país...
Simplemente, Tijuana. Tienes que vivirla!
Not all good things are published, not mentioned in the newspaper or on the news here in TJ are good people who work every day, people fighting for theirs, for this wonderful country ... whether drugs and drug trafficking is the fault of the governments (USA & México)who do nothing to stop drug use among it´s population, does´nt regulate the sale of weapons among and other things ... not ours. In Tijuana and in Mexico we are good people as thieves, criminals and drug dillers.
Tijuana, You have to live it!

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